Tuesday, 23 October 2018

A Court of Frost and Starlight

*This post contains spoilers for the first three books in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series; A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, A Court of Wings and Ruin* 

Read my review of book 1, here!
Read my review of book 2, here!
Read my review of book 3, here!

Series: A Court of Thorns and Roses

Publication: May 1st 2018 by Bloomsbury YA

Goodreads Description:
Hope warms the coldest night.

Feyre, Rhys, and their close-knit circle of friends are still busy rebuilding the Night Court and the vastly-changed world beyond. But Winter Solstice is finally near, and with it, a hard-earned reprieve. 

Yet even the festive atmosphere can't keep the shadows of the past from looming. As Feyre navigates her first Winter Solstice as High Lady, she finds that those dearest to her have more wounds than she anticipated--scars that will have far-reaching impact on the future of their Court. 

My thoughts:
This novella/book is completely unnecessary to read. It is an alright read but it has nothing in it that will not be mentioned in the next book in the series so you definitely skip it. If you want to read it, give it a go but I'd recommend going in with low expectations and here's why: 

There is absolutely no plot. We follow Feyre going on multiple shopping trips and a few other characters just hanging out around Solstice/Christmas. It felt very reminiscent of fanfiction I have read about multiple series I love. It was fun at times but boring at others and felt repetitive. 

Feyre in ACOFAS is not the Feyre we know and love from ACOMAF/ACOWAR. I was constantly annoyed at her while reading this novella. I was/am very disappointed in how Sarah J Maas took this badass role model female character we all love and made her into a stereotypical house wife in this 200 page story. In ACOMAF and ACOWAR it is constantly brought up that Feyre is a High Lady and Rhys' equal but in A Court of Frost and Starlight he's the one out at meetings and running the Night Court and Feyre is out shopping and cleaning their house and cooking for him and the others.

The writing is a bit all over the place. The book is told in multiple POVs but Feyre and Rhys's were in first person but Mor and Cassian's were in third person which confused me, like just pick one and stick to it. There was also a good few repeated phrases here and there and lines from previous books reused.

AVOFAS is not a necessary read I will say it is a quick one; I read it in a few hours and when I wasn't annoyed at Feyre I did enjoy it. Also I'm still SJM trash so I'll read anything by her. 

ACOFAS was marketed as a novella that was supposed to set up the storyline for the next book which it does but literally in the last few pages. The content of which could easily have been a prologue in the next book. 

Will I  be picking up the next book? Definitely. Was this one a waste of my time? Kind of. 

Thanks for reading,

A :)

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